Obama's budget for 2012 is a tool of class struggle
Paul Craig Roberts
Obama's new budget is a continuation of class struggle on Wall Street against the poor and the middle class. Wall Street was with us still not ready when the banksters sold their fraudulent derivatives of our pension fund, job prospects and pension plans of the Americans did destroy himself a ransom secured around $ 700 billion at the expense of taxpayers, while they acknowledge the homes of millions of Americans forced left, and the balance of the central bank charged with several trillion dollars of worthless paper, they rejoiced with her in exchange for newly printed money to beef up the balance sheets of banks. The effects of the quantitative Relief, "the central bank on inflation, interest rates and the exchange rate of the dollar are ahead. When they meet, the Americans will get a lesson in poverty.
now the ruling oligarchies have struck again, this time by the federal budget. The Government of the United States of America has a huge military / security budget. This is as big as the budgets of the rest of the world combined. The budgets of the Pentagon, CIA and homeland security make the $ 1.1 trillion from the federal deficit, estimated the Obama Administration for the financial year 2012. This massive deficit spending is only one purpose - to enrich the private groups that serve the military / security complex. These concerns are shared with Wall Street, those who choose the Government of the United States of America.
The United States of America has no enemies except those that provide the United States of America, by bombing other countries, in march, and by the fall of leaders abroad and their exchange for American puppets.
China is no naval exercises off the California coast through, but the United States is pursuing war games in the China Sea off China's coast. Russian troops stationed no concentrations on Europe's borders to station but the United States missiles to Russia's borders. The United States of America put it in on creating as many enemies in order to continue the hemorrhaging of the American people, to feed the voracious military / security complex.
The Government of the United States of America is actually $ 56 billion a year - are the $ 56,000 million - to enable U.S. airline passengers may be porno scanned and groped sexually, so that companies, by the former Secretary of State for homeland security Michael Chertoff be represented with the sale of for equipment needed with scanners can make big profits.
With a constant budget deficit, which is driven by the greed of the military / security complex, the real cause of America's huge budget deficit of any discussion is withdrawn.
The Minister for the warmongering of the United States of America Robert Gates said. "If we retreat from our global security commitments, we do so at our risk," The military leaders warn against anything from the billions in military aid for Israel and to reduce Egypt, the two henchmen of the Middle East "policy."
But what are "our" global security commitments? Where have they come? Why America should be in danger if it ceases to bomb other countries and then invade and interfere in their internal affairs? The dangers facing America is, all are homemade.
The answer to this question used to be common that we would otherwise be murdered in our beds by the "international communist conspiracy." Today's answer is that killed us in our aircraft, railway stations and shopping centers are run by "Muslim terrorists "and a new created imaginary threat - "domestic extremists," these are war opponents and environmentalists.
The military / security complex in the United States of America is capable of any number of events under a false flag to stage, to make these threats of a public plausibly, that intelligence is limited to TV, experience in shopping malls and soccer games .
The Americans then put in an enormous budget deficit, the central bank has to finance through the printing of new bills, money that will eventually destroy the purchasing power of the dollar and its role as world reserve currency. If the dollar goes, goes to American power.
for the ruling oligarchies, the question arises: how to secure their power?
is your answer: get people to pay.
And that is what makes their latest puppet, Obama.
with the United States of America in its worst recession since the Great Depression, a recession, from John Williams and Gerald have Celente said with me, that they did take the "Obama-budget" support programs for the poor and unemployed targeted. The American elites transform themselves into idiots by trying to create in America the conditions that led to the overthrow of corrupt elites similar in Tunisia and Egypt and increasing challenges for puppet governments of the United States elsewhere.
All we need are a few million more Americans who have nothing to lose to the turmoil in the Middle East to bring home to America.
As it puts the military of the United States of America in foreign wars, would have been an American Revolution, the best chance of success.
American politicians need to finance Israel, where the money comes back in the form of campaign contributions.
The Government of the United States of America to pay the Egyptian military, so that any hope is that the next government of Egypt is once again America to a puppet that Israel will be used by the blockade of the Palestinians continues, in the Ghetto Gaza are crammed.
These goals are for the American elite much more important than Pell Grants, scholarships to enable poor Americans to achieve a university education, or as clean drinking water, or subsidized housing, or Heizbeihilfen (that's all reduced by the amount that must transfer the tax payers of the United States of America to Israel).
Then there are $ 7,700 million cuts in Medicaid and other health programs over the next five years.
are given the scale of the budget deficit of the United States of America, this amounts to little thing. The cuts will have no effect on the financial needs of the Treasury of the United States of America. You will not alleviate the pressure of the central bank to print money so the government can continue to make the United States of America.
These cuts serve a purpose: the myth of the Republican Party to give food that America is in economic problems because of the poor: The poor are lazy. They do not work. The only reason for high unemployment is that the poor prefer to live on welfare.
says a new version of the welfare myth that college graduates take from the middle class in recent times offered jobs not because their parents have too much money and keep the young people prefer home without working. A corrupt generation, they come from the university and refuse to take up a job of a manager under the a company in the Fortune Top ranked 500th The reason why graduates of technical study is scheduled to get any idea that they do not.
This all leads to an attack on "entitlements," ie Social Security and Medicare. The elites through their control of the media much of the population, particularly those who thinks that he is conservative, then programmed to "claims" in lumps together with welfare. America goes to hell not because of foreign wars that serve no American interest, but because people who gave their lives for 15% of their income for retirement pensions and health care have paid and the time of their retirement will "payments" to get. How do these selfish people to think that working Americans will be forced by payroll taxes to pay for the pensions and medical care for retirees? Why do pensioners have consumed no less, and made provisions for their own retirement?
The line of the elite and their hired spokesperson in think tanks and universities is that America is in trouble because of its retirees.
Too many Americans are brainwashed and believe that America is because of its poor and retired people in difficulties. America is not in trouble because it forces a dizzying number of taxpayers, the huge profits of the military / security complex, the American puppet regimes abroad, and to protect Israel.
The solution of the American elite for America's problems is not only to the houses of those whose jobs have been moved abroad to evacuate, by force, but to the ranks of the desperate Americans who have nothing to lose, the sick and add expropriated retirees, and the university graduates who can not find jobs because they to China and India were removed from storage.
Of all the countries of the world do not need it a revolution as urgent as the United States of America, a country that is dominated by a handful of self-seeking oligarchs who have more income and wealth, as are issued in a time of life can.
Source: www.antikrieg.com
(the dissemination of the article is entirely desirable Please credit the source as antikrieg.com.)
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