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report: work at any price - time work, the scourge 21st Century

time work, for myself THE scourge of the 21st Century. In my opinion, temporary work, often called agency, responsible for the demise of our prosperity and the loss of workers' rights. Originally invented by companies at short notice to staff available to cope with peak workloads, it is now primarily a powerful tool for companies become more and more to reduce labor costs. Indeed increasingly solid jobs to be destroyed to be replaced with cheaper temporary workers. Often with methods which are hard on the border illegally. For companies, this is super comfortable, , no need for the expensive Application - and competition for new employees and can also still the same drastically reduce the human resources department. There is also the time when a worker is sick, you can replace it easily and quickly by a new one. And of course this is all still cheaper. Social responsibility? Think of the future? No way!

The industrial workers burned at such a pace that you can see how it really goes downhill with Germany. And the pace continues to increase. There are already companies that every few weeks to completely replace their workforce. Where this will lead even more, I know It honestly does not even. And our policy to look not just stand, many politicians earn themselves with this business model. The most prominent example is the former Economic - and Labour Minister Wolfgang Clement, who still sits on the board of DIS, the German service industry, the fifth-largest temporary employment agency in Germany. Mr. Clement why therefore repeated in various talk shows to speak out against a minimum wage, should thus be more than clear!

But what many do not see often, the fate which Hide behind the people who work under temporary work. Very often, temporary workers, such as anti-social discussed in the company of superiors and colleagues . There is the opinion of many that these are but anyway people who can not or have not learned anything. Fools can be happy at all to have a job. But this is true in LIABLE too wise. Today, even skilled workers, supervisors and even studied to be engineers and doctors on temporary employment agencies burned normal. not get up once in the morning for hourly wages for the so-some would. There are also more and more temporary employment agencies which specialize in certain vocational areas have. The best example is probably at present because of the care sector. You have to look only in the newspapers, there you will find various jobs for nurses, the majority of temporary work. Wages from 5 € / hour, gross, of course. I do not know how others see, but to be maintained by a € 5 power in old age by the correspondingly low motivation, I would not want me straight.
temporary employment makes workers also broken, not only emotionally but also physically. The constant uncertainty , often changing locations and Arbeitsz AGES and the low net wage, which is often little more than fourth Hartz In addition, the pressure is on the temporary employment agencies exercised. Will you sick, you will be replaced, you are sick you can go! There are, after all, more than enough out there willing to step in immediately for you may. All this leads to the fully pumped a lot of time working with drugs, only to be not so sick. Also addictions (alcohol, etc.) and depression in long-term temporary workers more common than in people with normal jobs. Of the frustration which manifests itself in many in a troubled family life, to mention.

ZDF has aired some time ago (2009) a report in the series 37 °, showing the basis of personalities example, the effects and excesses has accepted the temporary employment in Germany already. Here is the press release of the ZDF to broadcast:

"work at any price": ZDF documentary in the series "37 °" on the hard life of the temporary workers

Mainz ( ots ) - The hard life of temporary workers is the theme of "37 °" report "works at all costs", the ZDF on Tuesday 17 March 2009, 22.15 clock broadcasts. Caroline Haertel and Mirjana Momirovic accompany it two people who are in temporary employment agencies busy, and indicates the pressure under which they seek to shape their lives.

contract workers are paid less and can be adjusted more quickly and then dismissed as permanent workers. Since 1995, their numbers have quadrupled, including an increasing number of skilled workers. For the regular workforce of the companies that contract workers are often seen as second class citizens and at the same time as a cautionary example of the social decline.

Harald (51) was five years ago, a successful chef in leading hotels between Greece and the United Arab Emirates. After his return he engaged in a job agency , where they forced him to work in double shifts. "I have for weeks only slept two hours a day and am about sick. It operates as temporary workers exploitation of himself and is squeezed to the last. They have no job security, because nobody dares to say anything." Because the doctors told him that he would survive under this stress is no longer another year, he tries now as a freelance chef ends meet.

Ringo (30) is a bricklayer and currently earns 840 euros a month, and only with continuous weekend - and shift work. A regular working time is only 600 to 700 euros back home. When the company where he worked, went bankrupt, moved Ringo and his wife Melanie, who works as a saleswoman at a temp agency from three years ago, Brandenburg away. They married and had her first child. But the hope fulfilled to a new Employee not. Meanwhile, Ringo because of poor working conditions has been changed three times job agency . When last job he was paid not only bad, but also cheated his vacation: "If the job agency comes in does not work, we are often forced to go on standby or to take leave, although we do not relax naturally. And getting sick is not at all. "

I you would like to offer this report to download. I can only lie to my heart the half hour to take your time. Even though you are not affected even perhaps you informed about time and its effects. And even if you have time workers in your company, you see them maybe after you have seen this report with different eyes. If you at a temp agency are active, you can see here that you are not alone with your problems.

37 ° at all costs - about the tough life of the temporary workers

Broadcast (ZDF)
Codec: DivX ( encoded with XMediaRecode )
mode: HQ
Video Resolution: 720 x 400 (16:9)
Sound : Stereo ( mp 3:00 @ 128 Kbit / s)
Length: Approximately 29 minutes
file size: 289MB
File Format: . avi


password relink . us : could bono 01

I hope I provide some documentation with which this open their eyes to the issue of temporary employment: unpack bono 01

password to. How could you possibly remember it, I consider myself of this very nothing. For me time work is modern slavery. And companies that rely exclusively on temporary workers, at some point a large bill will have to pay.

Link to this page ZDF Reportage 37 °


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