reason or oppression?
Volker Wulle
after Tunisia and Egypt, men now in Libya, and Bahrain to the streets.
The demands of the peoples in their clarity to no longer be ignored.
you do not want a dictatorship, no more oppression of a regime that rules its people with violence and brutality.
you are committed to free elections for justice, for the future of their children and for a dignified existence.
you risk your life because they no longer are willing to either tyranny or corruption continues to endure.
you are no longer willing to be exploited as pawns for political madness, to bleed for the purposes of the West.
for claims to power, resources, exploitation and questionable ideologies.
The proverbial barrel will overflow.
The oppressors do not just sit in their own countries.
You are in the western states, on the floors of corporations in democratic governments, and not least - in the arms industry.
governments that call themselves democratic complacent, have made it possible for dictators to the 21st Century were able to survive inside.
That's a cynicism that is not to beat in his contempt for the people.
people as a sacrifice, the blood altar of power possessed.
We will soon know in which direction moves the world.
reason or chaos.
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