Blogger madness
Volker Wulle
Now we have the salad and the Arab world got to rehearse, in order then a migratory tear down our borders to eat with man and mouse from our plates, and their headless to spray despots on walls of houses. Since social services will depart on, because everyone wants to feed, in turn, understand what is as serious as climate change pushes stomachs on their own, the banks want to be just saturated. The world is upside down, we kick with my legs twitch in front of us, every day the same asking questions of who has what versaubeutelt here, which head should roll first. Not even in viagra spray no banana teigmatel or abstruse; this pillepalle can we save ourselves. Everything was better before we had another bit of control in our hands, were allowed to chew it up to a heart attack, as a secure proof of a selfless life, we bypass and hip joints with artificial anything could be extended. Today anyone can depp anzündeln a revolt, because he has no desire to play more on the Christmas goose, left-wing and subversive breathed his displeasure in the hunger strike to drop. Soon we have to do more with Kindergarten revolts, with prügelden pensions, disoriented migratory birds, and fish fingers, which none can eat more, because waste is not as nutritious proves.
Ask me not what had prompted me to rattle this to mess with the keys.
This Sunday I would not have to think about it really.
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