Saturday, February 12, 2011

Can Melatonin Make You Stay Awake

Bad Camberg - shade in a city

own image

Volker Wulle

To corner, on the edge of a meadow, and there is a building where you have stored people to give them a roof over their heads, a sense of living that would not even want a cat, as externally with makeshift color brushed, is at heart not to bear, however.

Those who live in it is called the rest of our society, asylum families whose children enter the schools to do their best to prepare for a university degree, the will is there, the chances equal zero.

Forget the small letters in this madness.
There is not much, only what seems to be a child of parents who claim in their need something human dignity.

children who were born in our country, children who were denied their right to develop freely, as the vulgar be German must receive enemy with full force straight. change

And not with me is education, which is only an appearance, with temporary contracts to do something.

Sesselfurzer who would like officers in order to deny the rest of their lives should be put in their small minds of the important question:

"Who am I in this system?"


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