Monday, February 21, 2011

Knitting Instructions For Papuse

A baron of reactionary shot and grain

as the political hope of the CSU and future candidate for chancellor traded Freiherr von Guttenberg and gets deeper and deeper into a quagmire of excuses and lies. Beginning of February, the Bremen State law professor Andreas Fischer-Lescano in a review of Guttenberg's thesis in 2007 in the journal Critical Justice found that several passages in it, either verbatim or minimally revised with older texts of other authors agree, without such matches are marked as quotations. Meanwhile, a growing Google community has discovered more than 200 stolen text of more than 15 authors. In response, Guttenberg his whole being seems to be a monopoly of reactionary politicians with the main features: recklessness, which is attentive to their own advantage, careerism and cronyism, arrogance, demagoguery and Rosstäuscherei.

more>> on boundary zone online


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