Monday, February 21, 2011

Name Of Shiny Fabrics

Hartz IV is all of us

Volker Wulle

In the eighties - early nineties - just a phone call to get an interview at a company, and shortly thereafter to consider a contract in his hands.
At least in my profession as a trained lithographer and later media designer.
In the seventies I went during the lunch break at a nearby company, where I asked politely if they were interested in me because I wanted a career change.
This was not a big problem the doors were open.

It's all over.
At least for people like me, whose name we can indeed find in the phone book, the basic skills have, however, can turn water into wine.

off and gone are the days when we were in our training / study to find a job that we were safe in the long run, it was, we wanted to - change - for any reason whatsoever.
people retiring today have in their pension, in most cases no time to mourn, which were marked by unemployment, and are thus still protected to some extent.

Today, they lose their jobs because they use no more, has rationalized away, or tells them that they have forty years before any more chances.
are then forced them into a system that allows them even a transition to future poverty (unemployment benefit) in order to then bring them to the fact that they have to make in this society, no further claims.

This is the time of a bitter awakening, marked by financial troubles, the housing problem, degrading, and of social decline ..
What remains is their very existence.

The struggle for daily survival is covered up because it may not be what in Germany are now part of everyday life.
they do not complain, they are still usable.

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