Sunday, February 27, 2011

Icing Ballet Slippers

Reich, super rich, Indemnity

Volker Wulle

It is no longer bearable.
A woman can celebrate von der Leyen, the government sold us a recalculation of the minimum subsistence level as a really good decision and forward-looking, as a clear sign - - Must be set before the loser could demand in our country even more claims.

Hartz 4 receivers get enough of transfers that must be drawn from the tax coffers, since the rich and super rich would not dream of it, to let others eat with fat from their pots.

The scorn is that this reform a blind population even as progress is being sold.
The renaming of the wicked to "job center" can look through it already, that derision was the bread of the poor.

Who still believes in the healing promises colorful party landscape, which brings nothing else about, than to deny the reality, snuggles with her clientele, and spits out openly on the Basic Law?

€ Eight more stages in two means, the further continuation of increasing poverty for the future.
€ Eight, for which I must continue to play the monkey, in a system that I can still punish at will.

calls and Germany enthusiastic "yes", with jumps miserably in this, conducted by magic.

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