Monday, March 7, 2011

Daytrana Reuse Patch?

Look, where I was today ....

Call me uncool beings throughout the universe, but I was today (or yesterday) evening with my parents at the spring festival of folk music in the CCH in Hamburg and I had a really great evening! Next year I will go along again ... With
were there including the Wildhearts, Michael Shepherd, Alexander Rier, The Shepherd, Richard Clyderman, Angela Wiedel and Karrel God. And of course, Florian Silbereisen, which allowed me to take a picture. Thereafter, namely, still a big autograph session, the photos can also be made.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Pokemon Deluge Get Legendaries

Phil Collins is career-end known

UPDATE 03/07/2011:
Phil Collins has issued a written opinion on his personal website for these releases. The news reports of a career-end have been invented thus completely free through the press. There was not an interview in which he makes statements below, nor has Phil before ceasing to make music. Also the statement that no one would miss him Phil denies vehemently. Phil thanked the contrary in his many million fans who have made this news-duck idea. Phil Collins do not know where these rumors are probably a journalist get something in the wrong way and so unleashed an avalanche.

The British singer and musician Phil Collins , has officially given his career end known. The musician, the world has enjoyed success as a solo artist and as a singer and drummer of the Prog -rock group Genesis will, after a total of 250 million records sold (solo and with Genesis ), 7 Grammys , 2 Golden Globes , 2 American Music Awards , 3 Brit Awards and an Oscar, the music business forever say good-bye.
Phil Collins is one of the most influential and successful musicians of the 80s and 90s. With Genesis he filled the largest stadiums this world and as a solo artist has sold his albums like hot cakes.

But 40 years in the music business and countless tours have left its mark, both physically and mentally. Collins is almost at the left ear deaf and has since Genesis Reunion Tour 2007 problems with a pinched vertebrae, which took him the feeling in his hands. Drumming Collins was only with auxiliaries as possible to the stick of stick adhesive tape on the hands. In addition, he has in the past often mentioned in interviews that he has the constant touring life, the experience of growing up robbed of his children, and also fail three marriages did. Collins would in future more time with his 5 Children spend in order to make up for what he missed in the past.

But today's music industry has done its part to Collins' decision. So said Phil Collins in an interview in the magazine FHM :

"David Letterman was recently that I appear on his show, but I said: "No, no time. Monday I take care of the children. " My record company said, 'But that's David Letterman '! I said, 'This is me ! Damn '"

The bitter conclusion of the Stars:

" I no longer belong to this world and do not think I will miss someone. "

Phil Collins published only last year his dream project " Going back ", an album of Cover Songs from Motown era. If Collins maintains his decision, his eighth studio album, will probably be the last album from him. would

I grew up with music by Phil Collins and Genesis , so I think it's a fan of a very bad hand, the Phil Collins now quit for good. As a person on the other hand, I admire him for that decision. Because if you are honest, it is very difficult to know when you should stop. With more than 60 years, he also has less time in front as behind. He has apparently recognized that he has achieved in his career and everything that now the family is more important than anything else. So I wish him all the best and I want this way for many years and the great music that he and Genesis brought us, thank you very much. The CDs are still often walk with me.

again Who wants to reminisce, you can download from my blog one of the many live bootlegs . Simply enter the top left into the search box the name Collins or Genesis .

Sandrail Desing Programs

NATO kills children - the disgust of power

Note of free-blog:
I have this post without prior approval of the Peace Research , or copies of the author in order to publish it on.
This was important to me, thank you.

Ingolf Bossenz

They died when gathering wood

nine children between seven and nine years, who were in eastern Afghanistan on a mountain, who was designated by NATO commanders for the purpose of an air attack. A tragic coincidence for the Avoid naming now even the concept of collateral damage concrete warriors. "Incident", "incident" are the words now common obfuscation.

Only last week had accused an Afghan commission of NATO to have killed in mid-February for operations in this region 65 civilians including 40 children .
And of more than 2400 last year killed hundreds placed civilians go "to the account of the NATO-led" protection force.

regret over their deed to the perpetrators is apparently not far away.

Man assume "full responsibility for this tragedy," the Western war party announced at the recent "incident".
repentance? More probably a ritual.

Like the regular announcement of the "incidents" would examine.
As the defendant by President Karzai "daily killing" of civilians by NATO?
Peter Handke once wrote: "The power only, can by allowing himself to make the violence a ritual that allows these appear as the rational"

Austrian. Writer explained that his "disgust" at the power.
a disgust that the nine dead children justifying en.

How To Do Lohri In Backyard

Hartz IV - aborted

Volker Wulle

remains is a pile of rubble.
called life.
A soul that is rearing up in the lost condition.

drifted into a misery, as need be stamped, a nose ring, forged demonstration.
left, right, bouncing in contortions.
I Kasper of the nation, I'm good with a bad game, bowing.

Look here.
zappel I still at this stage, to general amusement.
applause, applause ...

The curtain falls.
shrouded in darkness, the facial expression frozen.
exhaled, turned off.


CC License

Why Are Some Women Jealous Of Other Women

Weekly Review nearest store is from my new home so far away. * narf * 5th I could never live without books . 6th sushi every day I would be served, if I had a cook. 7th As for the weekend, tonight I am not looking forward to s learning, one probably tomorrow I'm learning. NEN nice evening with my best friend planned (?) and Sunday I want to learn !

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Port Royale 2 Patch 1.10

Windows 7 from a USB stick install

Optical media die slowly but for sure this is a fact. The future belongs Flash memory media and the Internet download. Apple does it with his new Mac App Store just before . And when it comes installation media is the fruit group from Cupertino a leader is, but the current MacBook Air not come with a installation DVD, but with a USB Stick on which the operating system Mac OS X as well as related applications such as iLife 11 are. No individual DVD's more, all centered on a stick.

A USB Stick has compared to a DVD also some advantages. The installation is faster, you can have the operating system on computers does not have the optical drive installed (eg Netbooks ) and he is far more stable and more mobile than a DVD. Who is jealous now can rest easy on Mac OS X and Apple, also Windows 7 may be installed from a USB stick , provided of course that the computer supports booting from a USB port. How exactly are you doing yourself a Windows 7 messages installation USB Stick , I will illustrate using the following instructions in a few easy steps.

What is required?

are only the following three things needed a Windows 7 USB Stick compiled:
  1. a USB stick with at least 4GB memory
  2. A Windows 7 ISO installation file ( download eg from here )
  3. The Windows 7 USB / DVD Download Tool ( download from Microsoft here )
The USB Stick should make sure that you do not have too slow Stick used. Many cheap USB Sticks have very lame to read and write transfer rates and the. Such Sticks make speed advantage, which one actually has USB, quickly dashed. And the USB stick course should meet at least the USB 2.0 standard. ;)

instructions - such as the Stick is created:

first First, the Windows 7 USB / DVD Download Tool is installed. This only takes a moment.

second The previously downloaded ISO image of Windows 7 extract to your hard disk.

third can When this is done the Windows 7 USB / DVD Download Tool can be started. First, a dialog appears to prompt the ISO Image select which to use. This can be done via the corresponding button "Browse . ATTENTION: Do you want to create a USB stick with the 64-bit (x64) version of Windows 7 in a 32-bit (x86) operating system, please first read the note below! 4th the ISO is selected, the tool asks next to the medium on which All should be created. Here, then select from this field ( USB device ) the connected USB Stick . CAUTION: Make all files on the stick are deleted. Do you have other files stored on it, add this to proceed before the back otherwise!

5th If everything is done can start her on the button " copying" "the procedure in response share. The tool will automatically create a bootable USB Stick of which you can install Windows 7th

After a certain time, depending on the write speed of the used USB sticks , has run the tool and the stick is ready.

Important Note on 64-bit (x64): Will

you create under a 32-bit operating system has a Stick a Windows 7 64-bit version, it ends with an error message of the stick bootable not could be made. This is because the under 64-bit Version used file bootsect . exe not under 32-bit works. So you have been the Windows 7 USB / DVD Download Tool is a 32-bit bootsect . exe file to make available . How this works I will show you the following instructions:

first You need the 32-bit version of bootsect . exe file. This takes you to the 32-bit installation DVD of Windows 7 in the folder "boot .
second this file you need then in the installation folder of Windows 7 USB / DVD Copy Tools Download. This folder you will find the fastest when it follows first:
  1. Start
  2. Programs
  3. the folder "USB DVD-Download Tool for Windows 7 " Search go
  4. with the mouse on the executable and press the right mouse button and then "open file path" option. (See pictures)
  5. In the folder that opens the 32-bit bootsect . exe copy inside.
third Then with the creation of Sticks continue following the instructions above.

Anyone who has installed its operating system on a USB stick has never again want to return to the old installation DVD. flash memory is the medium of the future. Also shown me in the ever-spreading Solid State Drives ( SSD), which will eventually replace the conventional hard drives. It's faster, more convenient and less susceptible to mechanical damage .

I hope I could with this guide a bit help. If you have questions or suggestions you may like to use the comment function for this. Even a simple thank you is always welcome. =)

Sitting On Women's Stomachs

Sir Frederick, but they should be ashamed

Muslims in Germany. Our neighbors, fellow men, our society (photo: AP)

Volker Wulle

I am always amazed at what cavort for types in the policy, and may even act in the office of a top politician.

is hardly the new Interior Minister Friedrich in his office, he offended a few million Muslims in Germany, and even to trample on their snotty about religion.

"Islam does not belong to Germany."

An Interior with brown mentality and lack of intelligence revelers are as xenophobic and inhumane.

Even ignoring that exercise in Germany, everyone's religion may (Basic Law), this attack against Muslims so unbearable that one could again draw comparisons to the German past.

from a silly verbal derailment can not speak here.
This statement hurt the feelings of the people who are rooted in their religion and have a large part of the German citizenship.

So are German, as well, Mr. Friedrich.

thinks and feels what a person who regards Germany as his home country, and is disregarded for this yet?

Because of its religious affiliation.

This is not just racism, it is a declaration of war against Islam.
Germany once again makes unpopular, with all its little Adolf Hitler that threaten peaceful coexistence in our society.

Mr. Frederick, but they should be ashamed.
you are a small, dirty Hetzer.

CC License

Friday, March 4, 2011

Are Any Capps Hot Fires Halal

postcard to the Chancellor

Volker Wulle

forget me-not, in this vale of tears, even when spring is coming in steps, the winter hiding in the sun, my chives growing in jubilation, a dead hawk falls from the sky, and I inspired by the spring cleaning.

Forget My ; on the upswing of your words, in your gaze, and when I bend under duress, my hump round bends.

forget my I , the affirmative sacrificing himself to die at last cut his blood in vain swells to the dignity

Forget you do not fallen into this valley, with loose stone in the wall came down.

CC License

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Male Forced Milking By Woman

iOS 4.3 Gold Master released & download

On the last night, Apple has now finally the Gold Master Seed the new iOS 4.3 provided for registered developers online. For all customers will iOS 11th from 03.04 March is officially available.

After the last update iOS now been almost three months beforehand, iOS 4.2.1 was released on 22 November 2010, brings iOS 4.3 Some improvements and bug fixes with it. Among other AirPlay has been improved and the HotSpot function, which Verizon iPhones appear in the U.S. for the iPhone 4 CDMA use, implemented for all other users. And a new feature called iTunes Home Sharing has been integrated. This feature allows you to retrieve his iTunes library via WiFi all over the house of his iDevice . But it has also been lowered considerably elsewhere in the performance. Safari now supports a new Nitro Javscript Engine which the browser to make up to 2x faster than before.

iPad users will also have a different, although small but significant and very happy innovation. Thus, for the iOS 3.4 now select which function the switch on the iPad page should take. You can either lock the rotation or the sound on / off function to prove sound.

As also expected that with the iOS 4.3 device again in the end - of - Life mixed status. So the iPhone 3G is officially no longer neither supplied by Apple with new software updates. The iOS 4.2.1 thus the last iOS will be for this device. The following devices are now officially not running iOS 4.3:
  • iPhone 3 GS
  • iPhone 4
  • iPod touch 3G
  • iPod touch, 4G
  • iPad 1G
  • iPad 2G
The gold Master Seed available to all registered developers from now on the Dev Center to download. Who does not have a developer account with Apple, can the GM also from the following sources to download. be registered for the installation, the device must NOT to a developer. The only prerequisite is an installed iTunes 10.2, which at Apple for download is available to everyone.

The download links for iOS 4.3 GM not originate from myself but from . I therefore accept no responsibility for these links. Even as I explicitly pointed out that it also still can lead to serious errors. This is the Gold Master , NOT the final version really. Even if the chances are good that on 11 March exactly this version the final will, it is still possible that Apple makes changes to short notice iOS 4.3.

Download iOS 3.4 GM for iPad 1G = iPad1, 1_4.3_8F190_Restore.ipsw

Download iOS 3.4 GM for iPhone 4 = iPhone3, 1_4.3_8F190_Restore.ipsw

Download iOS 3.4 GM for iPhone 3 GS = iPhone2_1_4.3_8F190_Restore.ipsw

Download iOS 3.4 GM for iPod touch 3G = iPod3_1_4.3_8F190_Restore.ipsw

Download iOS 3.4 for GM iPod touch 4G = iPod4, 1_4.3_8F190_Restore.ipsw

The Uploads all run on Megaupload . com , and thus for free user very well suited.

Again a reminder, you act at your own risk. As always, I can not take responsibility for damaged or destroyed facilities. It is not the final version! It can still be contained errors in the Gold Master . For all who rely on a Jailbreak or Sim Unlock are, for now stay away from iOS IPhone 4.3 to the Dev Team updated Jailbreak and Unlock published tools. want to go All the 100% on the safe side, should the official release of iOS 03.04 on 11 March await.

official Apple page for iOS 4.3

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Does Anybody Where I Can Find Pointsetta Seeds?

revolt must - in my city

Volker Wulle

"must reflect the small-town mentality better of" , roars of Hesse, "where do we get when we get angry about Hundeködel im Taunus, or a gas station, the - has not stashed our favorite tobacco "- again.

Mr. H. It is recognized that this will bear fruit only a full confrontation with stark blue-eyed citizens.

A "one-man demo the middle of the intersection of B 8, the self-interested local parish priest would, as well as the volunteer fire fighters, the gymnastics club, even the mayor - to the Nazi past in this dump.

H. thought of the local choral societies, whether they should support him with decaying songs, which would in turn bring down the church choir into a religious conflict, as he sung his work would soon Hallelujah.

What a crappy thought, H, I note as a revolt to, without being sprayed by a crazy truck driver to the nearest wall, a red light can not be distinguished from a tomato?

Under such circumstances, even a poster in front of the to swing chest proves to be a threat to body and mind, as a small-town revolutionaries also very fast for 'Hadamar "could be depotiert.

"Simply brilliant" , shouts of Hesse, "I must now also afraid to move my bottom?"

CC License

Omeprazole When To Take

Thomas de Maizière - new minister of war with questionable past

Volker Wulle

of recent events, I refer to an earlier post with an interesting video.

Or just google, keyword "Maiziere Saxony quagmire."

It's all very strange, it stick like mud set of chairs.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Reapolster Boat Seast

Guttenberg goes. Next, please!

Volker Wulle

Now he has chucked the gun, the Good of Guttenberg.
A bit late, but still.
we have done the talking heads hot, wrote the fingers to the bone, and invoked all the saints, they like him but finally enlighten.

was also unbearable.
The Merkel wanted to know nothing of know, like a market woman who wanted to sell their clients down a rotten egg as fresh.
The holding hands of his followers, the speeches of his high sense of duty to perform his duties with dignity in his castle, his horse, his ...

Germany mourns the loss of his noble son, who has now taken the painful path of his life, to not continue to hop on the backs of those entrusted around.
A prominent minister, was wounded on the home front.
This hurts, and we thank him with all my heart

And who is to blame? We, of course.
We, the subjects who want to be fobbed off with no more lies and fraud, the bloggers, the illiterate, the amateur terrorists, the Internet.
cried the vulgar mob in dumplings uprising for justice.

about the consequences, we should think so, because if this would set a precedent, we would not only recruitment problems in the economy but also in politics. to

in the dirt digging out of place.

CC License

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Alice In Wonerland Monologue

U2 - ZOO TV Live at Washington in 1992

One or the other regular blog visitors will have surely noticed, I am a die-hard U2 fan =) And that's why I ask frequently here bootlegs of U2 concerts available for downloading. So today again. I have a great recording of the 1992 ZOO TV tour of Washington found. This is the show from the Robert F. Kennedy Stadium on 16 August 1992. The recordings offered here is a soundboard recording (probably a TV recording) and therefore a very good quality. The ZOO TV tour was one of the largest and most expensive shows produced the U2 have performed. What hardly anyone knows U2 liable with their private property for this tour. It had become a flop financially, it would have looked very bad for Bono and company.

U2 played a lot of songs from their then current album, Achtung Baby, as well as classics such as Where the Streets Have No Name or Pride (In the Name of Love) were played. Overall, one can say that the ZOO TV tour dates the band's creative peak and was therefore this tour for many fans the most popular is. Unfortunately, this show is not 100% complete. So unfortunately lacks the last played song "Can not Help Falling In Love" in this recording. But since this song is not a U2 song, is the absence bearable. Probably, this song has not been transferred due to lack of licensing. The absence of "Can not Help Falling In Love" is, however, by pearls like "Tryin 'to Throw Your Arms Around the World" and "Ultra Violet (Light my Way) " more than offset

Artist. U2
Tour: ZOO TV Tour: Outside Broadcast (Leg 3, North America)
date: August 16, 1992
Venue: Robert F. Kennedy Stadium, Washington DC (USA)

CD (Sound Board -
probably TV broadcast )
Sound: mp3 @ 320kbit / s (CBR)
length: approx 117 Minuten
Größe: 286MB
Format: .mp3
Artwork: enthalten


CD 1:
01. Intro
02. Zoo Station
03. The Fly
04. Even Better Than The Real Thing
05. Mysterious Ways
06. One
07. Unchained Melody
08. Until The End Of The World
09. New Year's Day
10. Tryin' To Throw Your Arms Around The World
11. Angel Of Harlem
12. I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For
13. Satellite Of Love

CD 2:
01. Bad
02. Sunday Bloody Sunday
03. Bullet The Blue Sky
04. Running To Stand Still
05. Where The Streets Have No Name
06. Pride (In The Name Of Love)
07. Encore Break
08. Desire
09. Ultra Violet
10. With Or Without You
11. Love Is Blindness



password to unpack. bono01

the rar packages have 5% recovery information. If CRC errors so please use the repair function of WinRAR. If this does not help, please download the appropriate package again incorrect.

A great tour of the ZOO TV tour. Have fun listening. And as always, I am always a thank you, nice comments or constructive criticism. =)

Icing Ballet Slippers

Reich, super rich, Indemnity

Volker Wulle

It is no longer bearable.
A woman can celebrate von der Leyen, the government sold us a recalculation of the minimum subsistence level as a really good decision and forward-looking, as a clear sign - - Must be set before the loser could demand in our country even more claims.

Hartz 4 receivers get enough of transfers that must be drawn from the tax coffers, since the rich and super rich would not dream of it, to let others eat with fat from their pots.

The scorn is that this reform a blind population even as progress is being sold.
The renaming of the wicked to "job center" can look through it already, that derision was the bread of the poor.

Who still believes in the healing promises colorful party landscape, which brings nothing else about, than to deny the reality, snuggles with her clientele, and spits out openly on the Basic Law?

€ Eight more stages in two means, the further continuation of increasing poverty for the future.
€ Eight, for which I must continue to play the monkey, in a system that I can still punish at will.

calls and Germany enthusiastic "yes", with jumps miserably in this, conducted by magic.

CC License

Rct3 Underwater Tunnel

Review: Memup Media Gate LNX HD

Last year I ordered through the online retailer Amazon a so-called media adapters. Specifically, it is the computer image test winner in Edition 16/2010 (Rating 1.91) from the company Memup that Mediagate LNX HD. Media adapter devices are excellent if you want various media files on a hard drive or memory card to your TV play back device without it to a CD / DVD / Blu - to burn ray want. Since I want to share my experience with this device like I've decided a comprehensive review of the Memup LNX HD to write here.

Supported formats: plays

In detail, the LNX HD as good as currently all current media formats. From the normal mp 3 file to AVI, WMV , Blu - ray & DVD folder structures and of course the popular Matroska container (MKV ), anything by LNX HD accepted. HD content that are provided in 1080p at 24 frames per seconds a suitable TV set / display. Video and DVD ISO images are supported, which I personally welcomed the most. Even the menu of the DVD video is from Memup viewed correctly. Anyone who wants to play his DVD collection on a hard drive, for example, to save space, can calm to access Memup LNX HD. Of course you can play and image files over the LNX HD and organize for example a "slide" Evening with impressions from the last holiday. For full technical properties see the Memup LNX HD as follows: over

FAT / FAT 16 / FAT 32 / NTFS
connection: Chipset: Realtek 1073
formatting: USB 2.0 Host x 2
video codecs: MPEG 1/2/4 , Xvid, H.264, VC -1 RM / RMVB
Video Format: MKV / WMV / MOV / AVI / MP 4 / MPG / TS / M2 TS / TP / VOB / DAT / FLV / RM / RMVB / IFO / ISO (DVD structure)
subtitle formats: SSA / SMI / SRT / SUB
Video Output: HDMI , RCA ( scart adapter included)
Resolution: 1920 x 1080 progressive scan
Audio playback: DTS, Dolby Digital, MP 3, WMA , WAV , AAC , OGG Vorbis
playback modes: Normal, Repeat One, Repeat All, Random and audio show
Audio output: HDMI , RCA , Optical
image formats: JPG , BMP , PNG , GIF
Network Connection RJ -45 10/100 Mbps - MS Home Fashion
Update: firmware upgrade via the Memup website
Reader: SD HC / MMC / MS
Multilingual menu: French, German, English, English, Portuguese, Italian, Dutch, Russian, Turkish, Chinese
power supply: Input : 100-240 Volt/50- 60Hz Output: 12V-2A
Weight: 385 grams
Product Dimensions: 153x 116x 28 mm ( LxWxH )
Warranty: two years


On ports the LNX HD has to offer also a lot. Total 2 USB 2.0 ports are available, one on the side and one on the rear panel. There is no memory card reader for the most popular card formats is also available. This is how one of the USB 2.0 ports on the side of the unit located and thus very accessible. On the back are still HDMI, digital optical audio output and analog video and audio connections and last but not least a network connection (RJ -45). WLAN can be retrofitted with a compatible wireless USB Stick if desired. For some dealers, there are also packages that which requires a compatible wireless Stick already shipped a member.


The unit itself is supplied surely packed and has an analog as an accessory audio / video cable and a SCART adapter with it. Also, a network cable (RJ -45) is included. There is no remote control with batteries, it of course. A HDMI cable required for HD playback, we search in vain, however, and must be purchased separately. In case of a price of more than 110 € should be as a 3 € I think his article already included here. There is also a printed manual here, so now more of a rarity, especially for inexperienced users a clear advantage. But if you look reasonably familiar in the audio / video cabling and the few settings that need to be made in the menu of the device, then you can safely put the manual aside. The Memup is designed throughout for easy use .


shows the first turn on the LNX HD also equal to its positive side. The launch of the device is actually pretty fix. And unlike many other media adapters, comes the LNX HD so with a clean tidy and above all German menu interface. In the main menu you can even directly select the desired device to access the port you want. A connected to one of two USB ports hard drive, the Memup recognizes then within a few seconds.

Navigating the remote is simple and convenient. In that relatively long file names are displayed without problems, the very LNX HD clear, especially if one has saved a lot of files on a disk. Also very nice made the preview box in the menu (see picture below). There, as a video played on a small scale and you can see whether the file is you want to see. Especially with series very helpful, we can thus see very quickly whether you have already seen an episode or not.


Unfortunately, there are also a few negative anomalies the Memup . First of all, there would be relatively loud fan mentioned. Especially with quieter scenes in a movie this is clearly heard on the basis of a permanent buzz. I have the LNX HD screwed times to see if the fan is possibly the opportunity to share a quieter model . On the inside I found a little about 30x30mm case fan as it is also used in PCs. This is connected with only a simple connector to the motherboard. An exchange would be at least in theory, no problem, because if you find a suitable replacement fan.

Another disadvantage of the LNX HD is a partially Hang software. It unfortunately happens quite often that the menu freezes and no inputs stop responding. To tell simply restarting the unit. Also, sometimes after the start not just the hard drive recognized the first time. Here, too, just restart the connection and disconnection, or the hard disk. Who is going off repeatedly MKV files, but the fact that the header compression look for in the preparation of MKV container in mkvmerge is. In newer versions mkvmerge this is unfortunately default . the header compression force is used, the LNX HD namely only the sound of MKV file, the screen stays on but black.

Ecological thinking people will not be switched off standby be a thorn in the unit. Indeed, there is unfortunately no power switch on the unit. Unfortunately, it will block more accessible mode no power switch on the device, the Memup LNX HD is here so unfortunately not unique. I've even created a turn-off socket problem. Although the LNX HD in Stand not spent a lot of power over the whole year it adds up anyway.

Another negative point is the subtitle function in Matroska containers . So-called "forced subtitles (subtitles forced ), such as the insertion of a name or other language translations parts in the film will be detected with Memup not automatic. The Memup differs only roughly one in subtitles on or off. If you have the subtitles turned off So even these subtitles are not displayed even though they should ideally be displayed. This means that you must know in advance whether you need to turn on the subtitles or not. With several available subtitles in a MKV file, you must also know what exactly the are forced subtitles. This, unfortunately, very annoying, because if you started the movie and then finds that he needs the subtitles, you have to play around in the worst case only found to be the proper subtitle track.

The service:

is unfortunately also the service of Memup a single point of criticism. Regarding the loud fan, I made an inquiry Memup whether this because normally, except when I'm first starting from a hardware defect. In my e-mail Request is to this day (about 3 months later) still no reply received. Only through the reviews at Amazon I realized that the fan noise is so loud at all and it is not a hardware defect.


The Mediagate LNX HD from Memup is a good, albeit imperfect media adapters. The basic concept is very well thought out and can share the common competitor Western Digital TV hit significantly. Especially the variety of supported formats, and also the very clear and simple menu, make it easy beginners find their way. Also a printed manual there is a clear advantage. Unfortunately, there are also more than a downside. The cooling solution (the built-in fan) would have less noise can fail, and the relatively frequent crashes and trailer in software tarnish the good image of the LNX HD. Hopefully the latter is perhaps resolved by a future software update will Memup . Even the rather high price, after all, not even a HDMI cable also, which provided performance is not quite appropriate. Especially since it's a completely identical device from the company Popp Star There, the MS35, which costs just 60 €. The pop star differs here only in the installed firmware from Memup device. The pop star MS35 comments can be recorded so any problems with the firmware of the Memup LNX HD, according to the Amazon . Who wants to save and will still enjoy the benefits of Memup , so it can easily combine both. I myself am on the whole, actually very happy with the Memup . It does what it should and the actual law.