Saturday, March 5, 2011

Sitting On Women's Stomachs

Sir Frederick, but they should be ashamed

Muslims in Germany. Our neighbors, fellow men, our society (photo: AP)

Volker Wulle

I am always amazed at what cavort for types in the policy, and may even act in the office of a top politician.

is hardly the new Interior Minister Friedrich in his office, he offended a few million Muslims in Germany, and even to trample on their snotty about religion.

"Islam does not belong to Germany."

An Interior with brown mentality and lack of intelligence revelers are as xenophobic and inhumane.

Even ignoring that exercise in Germany, everyone's religion may (Basic Law), this attack against Muslims so unbearable that one could again draw comparisons to the German past.

from a silly verbal derailment can not speak here.
This statement hurt the feelings of the people who are rooted in their religion and have a large part of the German citizenship.

So are German, as well, Mr. Friedrich.

thinks and feels what a person who regards Germany as his home country, and is disregarded for this yet?

Because of its religious affiliation.

This is not just racism, it is a declaration of war against Islam.
Germany once again makes unpopular, with all its little Adolf Hitler that threaten peaceful coexistence in our society.

Mr. Frederick, but they should be ashamed.
you are a small, dirty Hetzer.

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