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Windows 7 from a USB stick install
Optical media die slowly but for sure this is a fact. The future belongs Flash memory media and the Internet download. Apple does it with his new Mac App Store just before . And when it comes installation media is the fruit group from Cupertino a leader is, but the current MacBook Air not come with a installation DVD, but with a USB Stick on which the operating system Mac OS X as well as related applications such as iLife 11 are. No individual DVD's more, all centered on a stick.
A USB Stick has compared to a DVD also some advantages. The installation is faster, you can have the operating system on computers does not have the optical drive installed (eg Netbooks ) and he is far more stable and more mobile than a DVD. Who is jealous now can rest easy on Mac OS X and Apple, also Windows 7 may be installed from a USB stick , provided of course that the computer supports booting from a USB port. How exactly are you doing yourself a Windows 7 messages installation USB Stick , I will illustrate using the following instructions in a few easy steps.
What is required?
are only the following three things needed a Windows 7 USB Stick compiled: - a USB stick with at least 4GB memory
- A Windows 7 ISO installation file ( download eg from here )
- The Windows 7 USB / DVD Download Tool ( download from Microsoft here )
The USB Stick should make sure that you do not have too slow Stick used. Many cheap USB Sticks have very lame to read and write transfer rates and the. Such Sticks make speed advantage, which one actually has USB, quickly dashed. And the USB stick course should meet at least the USB 2.0 standard. ;)
instructions - such as the Stick is created: first First, the Windows 7 USB / DVD Download Tool is installed. This only takes a moment. second The previously downloaded ISO image of Windows 7 extract to your hard disk. third can When this is done the Windows 7 USB / DVD Download Tool can be started. First, a dialog appears to prompt the ISO Image select which to use. This can be done via the corresponding button "Browse . ATTENTION: Do you want to create a USB stick with the 64-bit (x64) version of Windows 7 in a 32-bit (x86) operating system, please first read the note below!
4th the ISO is selected, the tool asks next to the medium on which All should be created. Here, then select from this field ( USB device ) the connected USB Stick . CAUTION: Make all files on the stick are deleted. Do you have other files stored on it, add this to proceed before the back otherwise!
5th If everything is done can start her on the button " copying" "the procedure in response share. The tool will automatically create a bootable USB Stick of which you can install Windows 7th
After a certain time, depending on the write speed of the used USB sticks , has run the tool and the stick is ready.
Important Note on 64-bit (x64): Will you create under a 32-bit operating system has a Stick a Windows 7 64-bit version, it ends with an error message of the stick bootable not could be made. This is because the under 64-bit Version used file bootsect . exe not under 32-bit works. So you have been the Windows 7 USB / DVD Download Tool is a 32-bit bootsect . exe file to make available . How this works I will show you the following instructions: first You need the 32-bit version of bootsect . exe file. This takes you to the 32-bit installation DVD of Windows 7 in the folder "boot .
second this file you need then in the installation folder of Windows 7 USB / DVD Copy Tools Download. This folder you will find the fastest when it follows first: - Start
- Programs
- the folder "USB DVD-Download Tool for Windows 7 " Search go
- with the mouse on the executable and press the right mouse button and then "open file path" option. (See pictures)
- In the folder that opens the 32-bit bootsect . exe copy inside.
third Then with the creation of Sticks continue following the instructions above.
Anyone who has installed its operating system on a USB stick has never again want to return to the old installation DVD. flash memory is the medium of the future. Also shown me in the ever-spreading Solid State Drives ( SSD), which will eventually replace the conventional hard drives. It's faster, more convenient and less susceptible to mechanical damage . I hope I could with this guide a bit help. If you have questions or suggestions you may like to use the comment function for this. Even a simple thank you is always welcome. =)
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