Monday, January 10, 2011

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Star Wars Hexalogie in September to Blu-ray Disc

In keeping with the theatrical release of the sequel to the classic from 1982, I have a great Desktop Wallpaper set or Windows 7 Theme Pack for download for you. TRON Legacy (Legacy) starts in Germany on 27 January in the cinemas. The Story of the film is as follows : " Sam Flynn ( Garrett Hedlund ), the technically gifted, 27-year-old son Kevin Flynn ( Jeff Bridges ), investigating the disappearance of his father and finds himself in the same world of combative programs and gladiatorial games again, in his Father has lived for 20 years. Together with Quorra , Kevin loyal confidant ( Olivia Wilde), father and son a fatal journey through a visually stunning Cyber universe to itself, the much more developed and extremely dangerous to Clu stop (his alter ego) and the infected Tron . Sam , Kevin and Quorra need to successfully recover the disc from the presumed dead Tron to escape this world, because only in the discus of Kevin Flynn the Masterkey included to make this world leave. "

is the way TRON Legacy shot in 3D, this makes for impressive pictures at the cinema and theater experience guarantees a special kind of And who counts the days embellish until January 27, which can now even his computer with the appropriate Wallpaper / Windows 7 Theme Pack .

Download Wallpapers

Download Windows 7 Theme Pack

source Story: Wikipedia


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