Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Definitive Piano Improvisation

New Years in Sydney ...

When we needed after this extensive Christmas a little relaxation, we spent several days on the coast, before it's started to the Sydney.

As Sydney's New Year's Eve erfahrungsgemaesz completely booked out, we were allowed to quartered at my cousin Grosz, which I had never seen before in my life - was quite amuessant! And once again we witnessed the Australian hospitality - simply the Hausschluessel, being presented and come and go whenever you want ... Thanks again to Frank and Colette, who enables us all!

stay in Sydney itself was just awesome - great weather, a spectacular skyline, wonderfully friendly people and hundreds of thousands of people on New Years Eve ...

We, too, mingled with the 1 million Australians and tourists who had gathered around the harbor and enjoyed some beers, and also the gigantic fireworks display that was ignited by the Harbour Bridge.

the New Year's Day we spent in a cozy atmosphere at my uncle Grosz, who emigrated with his family to Australia in 1956 and since then living here.

tennis, chilling in the pool and an extensive sauna session focused on the program before we lieszen end the evening with Frank and his girlfriend with pizza, wine and music ... Stoakogler Once Styria, Styrian always!


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