Saturday, November 24, 2007

My Period Seems Mucus

Visiting the Militaerregime ...

After much internet research and Considerations we have decided, but to travel to Myanmar. A decision that has proved in retrospect to be the right place. Not only the sun but also a host of friendly and joyful life Burmans begrueszten us when we verlieszen the airport. Including a friendly man who brought us one of the most emotional weeks of the most recent trip. 7 days we were on a minibus and private chauffeur and one impressions gathered from a country that is sprayed despite injustice and oppression with vitality. Due to the tense political situation, we were among the few 100 tourists who were given the opportunity to experience this ...

The catastrophic Strasz (For 200 km of Dubrovnik is the car in about 10 to 14h) and the countless tire changes made it difficult to trip, although significant, but also gave us the opportunity einzublicken deeper into the lives of Myanmar's.

Pepi Hickersberger would be as proud of us have been, he would have the young Austrian Fuszballmatch the 5 Stars to more than 50 children of a village of the lowest observed in Myanmar's Pampa.

The festival in a provincial village in honor of the children who first visited the monastery, was held, we will never forget. The friendliness of the villagers and their joy, 5 Europeans to have among themselves, will probably remain forever in our memory ...

Despite the long trips we had luckily the time, places such as Bagan, going to the Inle Lake and the Shwedagon Pagoda.

heavy heart we had to Myanmar after an impressive full week to leave. But one might well be for all of us: It will not be the last visit have been here ...

How To Make Silver Sugarpaste

In the Land of Smiles - Part I

Late evening we arrive in Bangkok - and thanks our slightly confused taxi driver much later in the hotel ...

After a restful night in a quieter part of Bangkok's then you go off at once into the fray. 3 nights are spent in the Khao San Road, where you not only countless tourists, but also pubs, Straszenhaendler, Grillstaende with "exotic" specialties (Note: the cats Spies are not recommended!), Souvenir shops and Ladyboys encounters.

Finally, one can sometimes genieszen Strasz on the open a beer, finally it's over with the hustle bustle, the constant honking is finally gone and at last you can that what looks good to eat again - Welcome to the Land of Smiles!

Monday, November 12, 2007

Buy Remington 870 Modular Combat Shotgun


latest, at the time as we face the 'Taj Mahal', one of the Impossant buildings in the world, were the efforts of the last few days have been forgotten. There is probably no one, not the spell of this vision ...

Also, the 'Red Fort' is the second grosz Agra's tourist spot has definitely worth a visit ...
After 2 nights in Agra, the journey went on to Delhi. After a short round in the Indian capital, which actually has little to offer special features, we decided to spend the night at the airport to our departure to avoid complications in the next morning.

The last night in India was started and we look back on three amusing and instructive but also exhausting Weeks that were about to offer, no surprises ...

Burton Custom Bindings 2006

Photos of Calcutta ...

After the photos of our first days in India were deleted by accident, this could finally be restored. The next pictures show impressions of a city that was planned by the British for 1 million people live in today, but already 13 million people ...

Plating A Trailer In Ontario

Short distance and long journey ...

After after our strenuous trek another tag is relaxing in Pokhara, the journey continued to the Nepalese / Indian border. After a 9-hour bus ride with innumerable stops, changing tires and everything what belongs to, we arrived in Lumbini, the Buddha Geburtstaette - a place of spirituality.

the next day the journey continued to Agra. A 15-hour train ride should take us from Gorakhpur from there. In order to catch the connecting train and in time, we wisely reserved a taxi that took us out of Lumbini in the naechstgroeszere Indian city. 'Already' after 4 hours we reached the station, which appeared at first glance more like a mix of farm, rubbish dumps, public toilets, just a waiting hall.

We saszen now that, between cows and curious Indians, waiting for the train that would arrive at 13.30 clock.

But he did not come. He did not clock at 14.00 and not at 15.00 clock. And certainly he did not come at 16.00 clock. Erwin said that he on his last trip to India once had to wait 7 hours on the train. Only later we realized that we would beat even this experience ... Slowly it became dark and the eighth chai tea tasted no longer so good. The countless discussions with the curious locals (we were probably a little attraction for the province station) were slowly uninteresting. Time passed and impatient prevailed. How long we should probably wait? Around midnight, this question has been definitively answered then ... After 13h verliesz wait our train at 01.00 clock early at last the station. For the encore were from 15h-17h train ride and we arrived about 18.00 clock in Agra. Well, what can I say - 2 1 / 2 days of travel for about 900km ... I'll never complain more in Austria on delays of the ÖBB.

Saturday, November 3, 2007

Funny Baby Announcements & Arrival Messages

The mountain is calling ...

It is Wednesday morning and a heavy heart we left our Guest House in Pokhara. As Andi is still haunted by a Schlieszmuskelerkrankung, and we have to take our love-alcoholic Guide to 5-day trekking tour, unfortunately without him in attack ...

recorded nearly 24 hours later, at just under 2000m in height similar scenes. Christopher had to turn suddenly "weighty" reasons and so we had the last few days to tackle the third ...

had only a little while later we found out that he had every reason to cancel the tour early. Several 400-600m high and extremely steep climbs followed by equally steep descents, made us hard in the days that followed the life and for one or the other Schweisztropfen provided on our forehead. The beautiful views of the highest mountains on earth, but consoled ourselves day by day about the efforts of time.

Three days later (one day earlier than planned) we reached a little exhausted and plagued by muscle pain back to the starting point of our tour.
What remains are wonderful memories, wonderful views, unique sunrises and lots of photos, the can is quite impressive ...